Individual Numbers

Firstness is the mode of being that which is such that it is,
positively, without reference to anything else.
Secondness is the mode of being of that which is such as it is,
with respect to a second but regardless of any third.
Thirdness is the mode of being of that which is such as it is,
in bringing a second and third into relation with each other.
-Charles Sanders Peirce

Zero is literally nothing at all,
a circle circumscribing the void.
-Anodea Judith

Allow zero to represent the "void" - 
a level of emptiness without fluctuation or substance.
-Anodea Judith

Zero is blank stage
 upon which the play of numbers presents themselves to consciousness,
much as the Tao underlies the play of the relative, of Yin and Yang.
The human ideal is to become zero - to become the stage.
-John Sandbach

1 stands up like a phallus;
it is the vertical 'I am'
to which everything attests,
the chord between the abyss and the heavens of non-existence
on which the pearl of Being is thread.
-Lawrence Blair

One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so.
-Children's Folk Song

One's not half of two.
Its two are halves of one.
-e e cummings

To make one, there must be two.
-W. H. Auden

The number one is the first tangible number, 
the progenitor of number.
Thus one symbolizes unity, and therefore mind.
-John Sandbach

Two is only One misconceived.
-Kennth G. Mills

We often think that when we have completed our study of one
we know all about two because 'two' is 'one and one.'
We forget that we still have to make a study of 'and'.
-Arthur Eddington

The living mystery of life
is always hidden between Two,
and it is the true mystery
which cannot be betrayed by words
and depleted by arguments.
-Carl Jung

The mirror-image of 'I am';
the 'I know that I am'.
The 'I am' and the 'I know'
woo and war and mate with each another
throughout the panolopy of creation.
-Lawrence Blair

Considered as a rhythm of movement,
the number two represents a repetition
in the form of an oscillation.
-Marie-Louise von Franz

3 is harmonious stability,
and stability is now conscious movement,
and movement is function -
in the case of man, understanding.
From the (1) I am, and the (2) I know that I am,
comes the (3), the putting into practice of that wisdom;
it is Zeno's 'point from which to move the earth',
and the fiery tripod towards ones destiny.
-Lawrence Blair

All things consist of three.
Establish the triangle
and two thirds of the problem is solved.

The number four...always points to a totality
and to a total conscious orientation,
while the number three points to a dynamic flow of action.
You could also say that three is a creative flow
and four is the clear result of the flow
when it becomes still, visible, ordered.
-Marie Louise von Franz

The stocktaking, the measuring and cataloguing of the gift of life.
It stands 4-square at the corners of the earth
and surveys its vast potential;
and seeing the cornucopia of its inheritance
it is forced to "Be' anew in 5.
-Lawrence Blair

Two and two the mathematician continues to make four,
in spite of the whine of the amateur for three,
or the cry of the critic for five.
-James McNeill Whistler

5 is universally the number of Man,
the 5-limbed microcosm strung between two worlds.
-Lawrence Blair

Number 6 (also Solomon's Seal)
represents the synthesis
of descending spirit and ascending matter.
-Dane Rudhyar

Nature delights in the number seven.
-Philo Judaeus

The number Nine represents the Beginning and the End of all human experience.
It is the force of the outgoing number One,
the Light and Peace of the number Two,
the Imagination of the number Three,
the Form and Order of the number Four,
the Life and Progress of the number Five,
the Responsibility of the number Six,
the Intelligence and Perfection of the number Seven,
the Judgement of the number Eight,
and Compassion and Benevolence of the number Nine.
-Juno Jordan
9 is a passive odd number,
but only passive in that its activity is of an interior nature;
an inner development is taking place.
-Joseph Maxwell

Nine represents the boundary
between the mundane and the transcendental infinite.
-Michael S. Schneider

9 is the end of a macrocosmic and spiritual attainment,
the goal of endeavour,
called in the kabbala the Basis or Foundation,
for its scope is so broad that it is immutable,
while still, to the adept, being knowable.
Whereas 3 was the first tripetal,
fiery departure, 9 is a tripod of 3's,
corresponding to 'pure intelligence' of all the visionary worlds
to which man is potentially heir.
-Lawrence Blair

Anyone who knows how to study numbers
soon discovers how meaningful they are, how alive and active.
Consider the number 10, for example,
which is the symbol of totality.
It is composed of 1 and 0.
But this 1 and 0
must not simply be considered as adjacent figures.
The figure 1 represents the Spirit, 0 represents matter,
and the Spirit penetrates matter to animate it, to vivify it.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

10, 11, 12, 13
I've dealt with numbers all my life, of course,
and after a while your begin to feel that
each number has a personality of its own.
A twelve is very different from a thirteen, for example.
Twelve is upright, conscientious, intelligent,
whereas thirteen is a loner, a shady character
who won't think twice about breaking the law
to get what he wants.
Eleven is tough, an outdoorsman
who likes tramping through woods and scaling mountains;
ten is rather simple minded,
a bland figure who always does what he's told;
nine is deep and mystical, a Buddha of contemplation.
-Paul Auster