The world is built upon the power of numbers.
Number proceeds from unity.
All numbers are simply
qualitatively differentiated manifestations of the primal one.
-Marie-Louise von Franz
You don't have to be a mathematician
to have a feel for numbers.
-John Forbes Nash, Jr.
Wherever there is number, there is beauty.
Why are numbers beautiful?
It's like asking why Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is beautiful.
If you don't see why, someone can't tell you.
I know numbers are beautiful.
If they aren't beautiful, nothing is.
-Paul Erdos
Number is the ruler of forms and ideas,
and the cause of gods and demons.
Numbers are the purest expression of the truth
because they determine the exact relation between cause and effect.
They allow one to know all the "hierarchical" functions
which, from the cause, give birth to the effect.
-R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz
Number, as it were, lies behind the psychic realm
as a dynamic ordering principle...
As an archetype, number becomes not only a psychic factor,
but more generally, a world-structuring factor.
-Marie-Louise von Franz
It [number] preconsciously orders both psychic thought processes
and the manifestations of material reality.
-Marie-Louise von Franz
We define number psychologically
as an archetype of order which has become conscious.
-Carl Jung
Number is therefore the most primitive instrument
of bringing an unconscious awareness of order into consciousness.
-Marie-Louise von Franz
Number is different from quantity.
-Gregory Bateson
Number underlies form, and number guides sound.
Number lies at the root of the manifested universe.
-Helena P. Blavatsky
It is the unfolding of primal forms
which gives birth to numbers.
-Lawrence Blair
Everything in the universe
is in numerical harmony.
-Rudolf Steiner
Numbers hook up to create the patterns of the universe.
They form networks or resonance
in the timing and spacing of matter and energy,
as well as count discrete sums to quantify
the units of whatever is being timed and spaced.
-Katya Walter
Thanks to number,
the cry becomes the song,
noise acquires rhythm,
the spring is transformed into a dance
force becomes dynamic
and outlines figures.
-Joseph-Marie de Maistre
Music is a secret arithmetical exercise
and the person who indulges in it
does not realize that he is manipulating numbers.
-Gottfried Leibnitz
Numbers constitute the only universal language.
-Nathanael West
Numbers are intellectual witnesses
that belong only to mankind.
Numerical precision
is the very soul of science.
-D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson
All the mathematical sciences are founded on relations
between physical laws and laws of numbers,
so that the aim of exact science is to reduce the problems of nature
to the determination of quantities by operations with numbers.
-James Clerk Maxwell
A chemical substance
is but the shadow of a number.
-Gaston Bachelard
Synergetics is energetic geometry
since it identifies energy with number.
-R. Buckminster Fuller
When you have mastered numbers,
you will in fact no longer be reading numbers,
any more than you read words when reading a book.
You will be reading meanings.
-Harold Geneen